Let me start off by saying, if you are wanting some fancy schmancy bracelet organization, you might as well turn away now. This is a DIY that is resourceful. We might as well call it a "Rig it yourself," an RIY, if you will. My bracelet organization situation was a problem and I needed to find a way to make it functional but, I only wanted to make it happen with things that I already had. That is precisely why I've been waiting for the moment when we had collected enough paper towel rolls. Obviously, that day came today. This whole project only took me about one and a half hours which is pretty good for a project like this, well, in my opinion that is. As you can see, this project is meant to be put in a drawer (because that is the only place I have space to store my bracelets) but you could just as easily keep it on top of a dresser. I took a whole lot of pictures so it'd be more understandable so let's do this thing!

My bracelets started off looking like this, except times like 20. Couldn't ever find anything.
You will need:
- A box (if you are putting it in a drawer you will need to make sure the box will fit inside.)
- 3 empty paper towel rolls
- Spray paint (optional- you could just leave it plain if you wanted.)
-Duct tape
- Scotch tape
- Scrapbook paper ( I used three different kinds.)
- Scissors
- Box cutter
- Something to write with
First off, you are just going to push all the flaps down into the box itself.
Push down two sides that are opposite of each other and the push down the other two.
Place the three paper towel rolls evenly in the box.
Make sure you keep enough space between each roll for bracelets to hang comfortably.
Place a mark on the edge of the box where the center of each roll meets the side.
About 1.5" down the edge of the box, draw a line straight across (parallel to the edge.)
Then, draw a line from each mark to the parallel line.
(You can see my mis-mark. No biggie, it'll be spray painted over later.)
(You can see my mis-mark. No biggie, it'll be spray painted over later.)
Place the middle of a paper towel roll where the two lines meet and trace
the bottom of the circle. You can trace the whole circle if you want,
it will all be cut out momentarily.
It will look something like this.
Then you will just take a box cutter and cut around the semi-circle shape
and all the way up to the edge of the box.
Then cut by the edge and pop out the odd shape.
It should look something like this when you finish them all.
Here, I just placed the paper towel rolls in to make sure they fit. They did...
Then I took some duct tape and lined the edges of the holes.
You could skip this step, I just preferred some extra protection.
Cut a piece of duct tape and place it around the edge, then cut slits in the duct tape. This makes it possible for you to push the duct tape down without measuring and getting all fancy. This part is kind of hard to explain, which is why I took many pictures!
After you push the cut pieces down it looks like this and then you turn the flap over and
do the same thing to the other side.
All edges "sealed."
Then push the flaps all down. (The flaps with the holes in them get pushed down last.)
Secure the flap with a piece of duct tape.
I taped down all of the flaps just to keep those suckers down and out of my way.
I spray painted the whole box, I painted the inside one shade of blue and ended up painting the outside another shade of blue. You could skip this step, I just liked the little extra detail.
Now that the box is drying, we can move on to the paper towel rolls.
Place the paper towel on the back of a piece of scrapbook paper, right up to the edge.
Mark where the other edge of the roll is on the paper.
Draw a line all the way across the paper where you placed the mark from the paper towel
roll. I just used the same distance for all the papers.
Scotch tape the scrapbook paper onto one of the paper towel rolls,
making sure it is lined up even on both sides.
Roll the paper towel roll up in the paper until you reach the edge and tape it down.
Take scotch tape and completely seal the edge of the paper.
They should look something like this when they are done.
This is basically the finished product without anything in it.
I took a bunch of my skinny bracelets and placed the in the bottom of the box since there
was a little bit of extra space down there.
And this is the box all organized!
I am so thankful that you have posted this! I have literally started my own blog today and my first post was on my own DIY which was no where near as amazing as this! I am defiantly inspired, it's posts like this which really encouraged me to start my own blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
the easiest way to store bangles is to put it on a heavy wire hanger
ReplyDeleteAhhhh this is ingenious! Thank you!! Also, I just came across your blog and I'm already obsessed. Thanks for doin' you, girls and for being so good at it! :)
ReplyDeleteOmg! What a great idea!!! I have so many bracelets and right now they look just like that first disaster pic, lol, I'm so glad I found this!
Awesome idea! Thank you!!!
'The Wind of Inspiration' style blog
Very clever and functional!
ReplyDeleteI will absolutely like to spread the word about this clever idea so others can come visit! I will feature and link back in a future blog post!
ReplyDeleteamazing idea!
ReplyDeleteLove this!! Just saved my first paper towel roll. Can't wait to make this! Thinking about drawing so cute designs on the box after spray painting it.