We though we'd share some beauty tricks with you that we use on a daily basis! Some are things we've known for years, some are new tricks we just couldn't keep to ourselves. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
1. Sleep with you hair in a loose top knot. I just twist my hair into the loosest bun possible and secure with a loose hair tie. If you sleep with the bun at very top of your head, your hair will have some extra body in the morning. Make sure your hair is dry before you do this.
2. When you run out of mascara, wash the old wand and use it to brush you eye brows and separate your eye lashes after using mascara.
3. After you've painted your nails, it's always so hard to tell when they are really dry. Sometimes they seem dry to the touch but 5 seconds later you have a dent in your nail. SOLUTION! When you think your nails are dry, just tap two of your nails together. If there is any resistance, your nails are not ready for you to be moving around a lot. If the nails don't stick to each other at all... you are good to go!
4. If you have some shoes that rub on your ankles, don't reach for the bandaids. Reach for some Vasoline/Petroleum Jelly of your choice. Rub a little amount on your ankle where the back of your shoe will touch. Don't put too much or it will get on your shoes. This trick is amazing because it really really really works!
What are your favorite beauty tricks? We might try them/put them in another post!