There was a time when Casey and I wanted to glitter EVERYTHING. We put glitter on our shoes, in our visual journals, and even on my cell phone case. I thought it would be a brilliant way to change up my case. WRONG. Although this looks awesome (to some), the mess isn't worth the awesomeness. Every time I would talk on the phone, I'd end up with glitter all over my face and hands and you already know how successful I was trying to get it all off of me. NOT successful at all. At one point I thought this case was gone forever but then I thought, why not try to get all of the glitter off and start over with a new design? So here is what I did...
Originally I put this glitter on with tons of Mod Podge. You can see on the front of the case where I was trying to scrape off all of the glitter and Mod Podge. Wasn't working too well. And you can see that the inside of the case is still the original colors.
I set the case in a bowl of water overnight. Make sure the case (or whatever you are de-glittering) is submerged completely in the water.
After it has set for at least 8 hours, you should be good to pull all of the glitter off.
As you can hopefully see in the pictures, the Mod Podge has turned white- like it has gotten soggy.
Take a butter knife to scrape off the first bits. Once you get it started with the knife, use your fingers to peel the rest off.
And in a few moments you have a clean slate again!
I just ran my case under some water to get the last pieces of glitter off and now I'm ready to decorate my cell phone case again. I don't want to get started about iPhone 4 cases and how hard it is to get one that is perfect but, this baby meets all of my needs and it was only $6 so I really wanted to keep it usable! You may never need a tutorial like this but.... just in case?