diy: stamped flower pot

How precious is this mini rose plant? We got it from Kroger in the clearance section. We just had to buy it. Roses for indoors? Yes, yes, yes. It even came in a pot. Don't get me wrong, I love these clay pots just the way they come, but after you have 7 plants in the same pot, you start craving some variety. We decided we wanted to paint the pot white and put some sort of black design on it but we didn't want it to be complicated. We wanted a repetitive print, without all the work. Stencils can get really messy so we thought, what about a stamp? Just a regular ol' stamp. Guess what? Best idea ever! Here's what we did...
You will need: a pot, white and gold spray paint, black acrylic paint, an ink stamp, and a paint brush.
If your pot has a plant in it, remove the plant.
Spray the pot with the white paint and let it dry completely.
Put some acrylic paint on a paper plate and use a paint brush to apply it to the stamp. This will ensure that you don't get globs of paint on the stamp to where it messes up the design on the pot.
Stamp onto the pot. Now, there is a technique to this. Start pressing the stamp down on the left side and roll it on the pot until the right side of the stamp has touched the pot. If you try to stamp it like you do on a flat surface, you will just get part of the design.
Repeat the stamping all over the pot and let it dry. We overlapped the stamping to create a sense of depth. It also helped in covering up mistakes.
This part probably should've been done first, but here we are. We held a piece of paper against the pot to cover up the white and black design and spray painted the top part gold. 
When the pot has dried completely, put your plant back in!
And just like that our pot has new life and some personality.

xo, Savannah


  1. It's beautiful! A must try. :)

  2. So cute!! I'm so doing this to my flower put when I move to my own place!

  3. Great idea! I am not good at drawing AT ALL, I am definitely gonna try this out. : )

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