I'm super into druzy/geode/agate things and I've been really interested in the ways people have DIYed them. This particular one was inspired by this tutorial. She used glass which looks really awesome, but I don't trust myself with breaking glass and handling it without injuring myself. To recreate the one I've made here, you will need a circle bezel pendant, some balsa wood, an Xacto knife, Mod Podge, nail polish in various colors and a necklace chain to hang the finished product on.

Start by chipping off tiny pieces from your balsa wood with your Xacto knife.

Fill your pendant with Mod Podge.

Stuff a bunch of wood shavings into the pendant. Make sure you cover every area possible.

Cover the shavings in Mod Podge. Let it dry completely before painting.

Sheer nail polishes are best for painting this. I painted probably 10 different layers using a paint brush and a sponge. You kind of just have to put a layer on, let it dry and then see what color needs to be layered on again. This part took a minute to get right. Metallic nail polishes are good for this too.

Once you have the desired color combination, slide your pendant onto a chain and wear!

I might try to make another one of these in a bigger version, but I have to figure out what kind of pendant situation I want to use. Until then, I quite like how this turned out.
xo, Savannah
I added glitter nail polish to it Beautiful!!