I love oatmeal. Love it. And many people would tell you oatmeal is healthy BUT it has so many carbs. So many. I have certainly not mastered eating a low carb diet, but I do know that my body operates better when I eat a lower carb diet- specifically carbs that are low on the glycemic index. Today I am sharing with you a lower carb + healthy alternative to many hot cereal breakfast options out there. I found a version of this recipe in a comment section on Facebook and knew I had to try it out. I didn't expect to like this recipe so much, but it has become my go-to breakfast. The consistency is similar to Cream of Wheat. But there's definitely no Wheat in it!

My favorite thing about this recipe is that you can creative with it, just as you would with oatmeal. You could add nuts or fruit. And you can also play around with the proportions. This recipe is very flexible. The most important parts are the chia seeds and the flaxseed meal- that's what makes it cereal like. However, you could use more chia seeds and less flaxseed meal and vice versa. Be free! Play around with it, but please try it and let me know what you think.
Hot Cereal Recipe
2 Tbs. of
flaxseed meal
1 Tbs. of
chia seeds
1 scoop of
vanilla protein powder
2 Tbs. of unsweetened coconut flakes
cinnamon to taste
1 packet of Stevia
3/4 cup of unsweetened almond milk
1 Tbs. of no- sugar added peanut butter (optional)
I warm up the milk first and then add the dry ingredients. Stir and let it sit for a few minutes until it thickens. Add any extra bits and enjoy!
If you are trying to do a low carb or keto diet this recipe has 6 grams of net carbs + 23 grams of protein. You may want to double check your recipe in case you don't use the exact same ingredients.
If you are really wanting to win at life, you will pre- make a bunch of these packets so you can just grab and run. When I go to work, I bring a packet of this mix and put my milk in a mason jar. Then I just heat up the milk in the mason jar in the microwave and mix.
**Store these pre-made mixes in the fridge. Flaxseed meal and chia seeds should be stored in the fridge after opening.
Well I hope you get to try this recipe out! It has been a life saver for me. If you liked this post and would like to see more recipes, pin the image below!
peace, Casey
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