DIY Small Batch Natural Lip Balm

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We've made natural lip balms over the years and one thing I've learned is that most recipes on the internet make a huge batch. Seriously, the last one I looked at made 18! Unless you are making lip balms for Christmas gifts (good idea!), you  probably don't want that many. This recipe will make 3 tubes of lip balm, which is likely all you need for a while. But by all means you can double or triple the recipe if you want to make a larger batch. 

What I particularly love about making my own lip balm is knowing exactly what is in a product that is going directly on my mouth. Most lip balms you buy are petroleum based and that's pretty nasty stuff to be on your mouth. Also, it is rumored that petroleum based lip products dry out your lips more than they actually help. My anecdotal and somewhat scentific evidence is: When I was 16 I had to have my jaws wired shut for 6 weeks, and as a result my lips dried out terribly. My doctor told me to find a lip balm that did not have petroleum in it because it would make my dried and cracked lips even worse. So do with that with you will :) Now onto making your own lip balm...

Ingredients & Supplies: 
- 1/4 Tbsp. Beeswax pellets ** if you want a firmer lip balm you can add a few more pellets 
- 3/4 Tbsp. Shea Butter
- 1/4 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
- 2 Drops Vitamin E Oil

Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil on the stove. 

Measure out all your ingredients except the essential oil and put them all in a glass heat safe bowl. 

The amount of ingredients used for such a small batch seem insignificant, but I promise it's enough to fill 3 lip balm tubes with a little to spare.

Place your glass bowl on your pot and you now have a double boiler! Let all the ingredients melt then turn off the heat and add your essential oil drops. Stir to combine.

Use a pipette to squeeze the liquid from your bowl...

and then release into your lip balm tubes. The liquid should go right to the top of the tube.

The lip balm will start to harden up pretty quickly. If you're really impatient you can put them in the freezer. And voila! You've made your very own lip balm. 

If you like making your own self-care products you should check out our blog posts where we make calendula salve and a hand scrub that leaves your hands feeling so soft (and also makes a great gift). 

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